Quirófanos El Tesoro
Quirófanos El Tesoro is an institution that provides moderate complexity medical-surgical services to elective surgery patients with an emphasis on plastic surgery specialty, urology, and general surgery; to a private patient population or with a local, regional, national, or international health insurance policy.
We provide surgery service in a facility that has nine operating rooms and six beds for hospitalization service. Growth in the infrastructure is projected to be eleven operating rooms and eleven hospital beds by the end of 2020.
The institution has been providing services for six years to more than 30,000 patients, with differentiated safety indicators, compared to international standards.
We have human talent with the expertise and commitment to providing differentiated services to our patients.
Quirófanos El Tesoro has a modern and functional infrastructure in accordance with Colombian regulations.
We have advanced technology with expert management and expert personnel (Biomedical Engineering).
The institution’s approach is process-based and patient-centered, where the voice of the internal and external client is taken into account, allowing for continuous quality improvement.
Address Info
Torre Médica El Tesoro, 4th and 5th Floor. Medellín – Colombia
Customer Service Line: (+57 4) 4488057
Cell Phone: (+57) 314 695 54 41 – (+57) 312 783 92 48
E-mail: calidad@qet.com.co
Loma El Tesoro con Transversal Superior. Carrera 25A # 1A Sur – 45.
Torre Médica El Tesoro, 4th and 5th Floor. Medellín – Colombia